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I called this several time already, since the start of the gen.
I said (and I wasn't alone) the japanese devs would be destroyed with their stupid strategy of trying to directly compete with western devs. Also, their war of attrition on Nintendo is backfiring hard.
The biggest offenders are being hit hard, and I'm sure we haven't seen the worst yet. Some big ones adverted the crisis, but I think it's only temporary, as they seem firmly intent on killing themselves.

Nintendo is the only Ark, but they refuse to take it. Like I said before, I'm still expecting thos that don't take the Ark to drown, and it's happening right before my eyes.
I'm laughing at people that say western devs are better off. They're even blander than japanese devs, with the very same problems. It's less apparent in their case, and will be delayed, as they're mastering the "graphics" tools, but the "graphics" won't have a durable effect on sales. Some western devs are already dieing and are being bought left and right, or disbanded.
So, no, they're not in a better position than japanese devs, it's just that western devs are more arrogant and won't admit it like the japanese are doing.

Every week now, I'm seeing another event illustrating the collapse of the videogame industry. Before that, it was every month, when the gen started. I expect eventually to see a devastating event every day.
Given how stupid the industry is behaving since the start of this gen, I can't say I'm sad, it's entertaining and hilarious to observe.