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i think he is talking about japanese games on an epic scale. back in the day big AAA games came from japan, with the exception of a few. but it has changed significanty since then. alot of japanese devs are making less AAA games. no offense but i see alot of DS/ wii games from japan are quick games to make an easy buck. but i am more than sure that they are still capable of making AAA games. they just dont see a reason to invest so much when they can easily make a ds/ wii game for half the price, but sometimes half the awesomeness. now dont get me wrong even games on the ps360 are sometimes lacking in said awesomeness, so maybe its just developers getting lazy and not working as hard as they once did....only time will tell with a few big releases coming out from japanes devs. if the likes of ffxiii and wkc dont live up to its hype then yes i do believe japanese devs are in dire need of help