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lets see.  i guess i'm what you would call a nintendo fan boy.  i never really considered myself that but i realize that's what i am because i've always despised microsoft/sony!!!  but i'm getting a bit tired of mario mario mario!  the only wii game i own is zelda tp and its fuckin bad ass, hands down the best game i've ever played mostly due to the gameplay.  but i want some new games.  good thing  metroid 3 is coming out in less than a month.  but after i get my fill of that its mario for another year until something else comes out.  so i think i'm ready to get and xbox or playstation.  so i'm wondering which is better.  what i think is that ps3 is basically a nintendo rip off so maybe i'll be good going with them. all they've ever done is rip off nintendo's ideas.  like they did with their quick add of their motion sensing controller.  they just didn't make the commitment like the big N.  but i'm sure they knew what nintendo was doing before the release and wanted to pull a playstation and rip off the idea once again but this time they got smart and did it from the beginning so they can claim it as an original idea.  but we all know its not.  and the xbox?? i really dont know too much about it i've played it like once at my friends house.  but it sucks worse than playstation. in my opinion.  the only dumbasses that buy it is us americans.  the lords of gaming (japan) think its a piece of crap so i think it probably is.  any ways what should i buy PS3 or 360????????????