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makingmusic476 said:
darthdevidem01 said:
We can have WEEKLY VG Chartz update charts as well.

Look we should get in touch with ioi about this....ask him for ideas on how he would like OFFICIAL VG Chartz levels each week...full with the Sales figures


Me and a couple of guys were planning to make an official VGChartz level come release, but when they annnounced that the  online co-op Creation mode wouldn't be available right at launch, it got put on hold for awhile.


Cool....we can delay that plan until LBP Co-Op comes we don't want one person to have the whole burden...but I think it would be a "neat" way to RELEASE SALES numbers WEEKLY on LBP for the community

also we can use ideas that SONY themselves used in their E3 "sales" presentation....instead of doing a powerpoint....we can show console marketshares, sales, percentage increases, graphs in cool ways.

We can theme these levels when BIG releases are there.....there are SO many possibilities....!

If everyone can get involved on Vg chartz (Ps3 guys) & contribute to may even help spread the name of VG Chartz among the PS3 users on LBP.

{ok I may be getting over-excited at the possibilities}

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey