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Legend11 said:
naznatips said:
Well that's ridiculous Legend. You found 3 sites who's scores were all grossly off-balance, vs HS's original post which was about the major reviewers in the game industry.

It's not ridiculous at all... If we start removing these minor sites I mentioned with very dubious scoring it would slowly begin to lower the site's average for Wii games and bring the sites HappySquirrel mentioned more in line with the Gameranking's Site average for the Wii.

For example lets look at Game Vortex:

GameScoreGameRanking's Avg
Avatar: The Last Airbender95%63.7%
Call of Duty 396%69.2%
Kororinpa: Marble Mania98%71.1%
Metal Slug Anthlogy95%73.7%
Spider-Man 380%56.9%
Surf's Up85%67.5%
SSX Blur95%74.1%

Can they be trusted as a review site?

 They still can't be trusted...but I'm sure there's plenty of crappy sites that do the same for 360 and PS3...

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )