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Didn't you think the Black Knight was waaayy too long?

I found it annoying that the Joker talked faaar too much compared to what Nicholson did in the original. I mean come on, what kind of attention span do they believe we have?


I love learning. You don't learn squat by having some dimnut say that Halo 2 beats Metroid Prime 1 and having 80 people say what they think, without reading what anybody else says.


What makes VGChartz different from a lot of other forums, is that here, you have an intelligent conversation (albeit with a bit more aggression than when talking), as opposed to Gamespot, where 50 people say their opinion, with nobody bothering to read what anyone else says.


Gamespot is a place where you can put in every single opinion you have on things.

VGChartz is a forum where you can discuss a topic with someone, and maybe look at things from another perspective.


I definately prefer the second one.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS