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Onyxmeth said:
vlad321 said:
Onyxmeth said:
makingmusic476 said:
Onyxmeth said:
Kasz216 said:

I dunno this game seems too... "overworked" for me. I mean it's fun sure... but i kinda find the main character insulting.

Something i'd rent before i bought really.

I mean... the creator is talented... but the attempt at shallow sex appeal is just so over the top.

I'm pretty sure the over the top part is the whole point. I firmly believe this design choice in overly sexed up lead female is Kamiya's way to slap Itagaki across the face with his own style. Basically telling him "anything you can do I can do better". If this game is as good as it looks, he's damn right he's better.



Ya know, that may be true, and it's totally awesome.  xD

I know. The second I saw the crotch shot, it just hit me. This game is just one giant bitch slap for Itagaki.

@Zen-I love God of War, but the fighting is a lot more simplified than either NG or DMC. What I like better about it is the characters, setting, plot, etc. I really get into the story of God of War. The fighting though, give me any of the other hack n slash leaders anyday.


Her attitude seems to be confirming this, also guns on her feet? How over-the-top ridiculous do you have to be? It screamed satire to me when I saw those in the first trailer.


The guns on her feet are the least of the ridiculousness. That bodysuit she wears is actually her hair transformed around her body. It's what makes that dragon at the end come to life. Yes the dragon is her hair. Once she does things like that, her true outfit is revealed. A red thong and red bra and neither cover much of anything. I love it.



I'll be honest with you, I saw no red bra when she used that dragon, it was just covered by swirling hair which I thought was conveniently put around her.... upper mid-section.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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