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shio said:
SeriousWB said:
shio said:

Dude, what don't you understand? There's only going to be one Starcraft 2. The other two are expansions, you know, exactly like Relic did with Dawn of War (and no one complained about). Blizzard did NOT cut content from SC2, they just replaced it.


DoW, the first game has a full singleplayer and the full multiplayer.  If you were to buy WA on it's own, you wouldn't be able to play, as it doesn't have the full multiplayer on it. This is one of the reasons it can be priced as an expansion pack.

With SCII, 'all' three versions will have the full multiplayer along with a singleplayer campaign. Please explain your logic as to how the first will be more expensive when they all contain the same thing. Full SP + Full MP.

Starcraft 2 will have FULL Multiplayer. I can't imagine why you even thought otherwise. And again, there aren't 3 versions of SC2, only one because the other two are expansions.

vlad321 said:
shio said:

Dude, what don't you understand? There's only going to be one Starcraft 2. The other two are expansions, you know, exactly like Relic did with Dawn of War (and no one complained about). Blizzard did NOT cut content from SC2, they just replaced it.

What Blizzard stated was that each campaign is going to be so Epic that it will rival full games like Mass Effect, Gears of War 2, FFXIII or Fable 2. I seriously don't understand why you are against Blizzard on this.

Blizzard initially wanted to fit 3 small campaigns into Starcraft 2, but the writer (can't remember his name) wrote huge, epic stories instead of small ones. Really, anyone who is interested in great stories should be happy about Blizzard's decision, because then the main writer can spread his wings, and when one of the best story makers in the videogaming industry has that kind of liberty, he will most likely shine through all.

And I seriously doubt that many people here even played the original Starcraft given the fact that less than 7% have PC as main platform. And I think pure Blizzard fans that attended Blizzcon are more credible.

Alright here we go a decent discussion.

Dawn of War had more than one campaign for their factions, thier SC2 will have ONE campaign, no more. Thus you can't really compare the two at all, no matter how big the SC2 individual campaigns are. furthermore, Blizzard has not compared their game to ANY of the ones you mentioned. I'm probably Blizzard's #1 fan, going back since I was like 5, but no matter how much I like them doesn't overshadow the fact that what they are trying to pull has abou 90% chance of being pure bullshit (Only because we don't know al the details).

I believe his name is Chris Metzen, could be one of the other ones though. I'm all up for huge epic stories, but making them huge and epic and spending 30 missions on one race is TOO much. I like interwined stories, not just one point of view type of stories, which from everything I've seen is what these will be like. I felt that WC3 and SC1 stories were epic enough, sure I wouldn't mind more, but not once have I ever thought "This wasn't epic enough, it needs more awesome in it."

Just because the main gaming platform isn't PC it doesn't mean they haven't played Starcraft 1. Even if that was true 7% of the members of VGC is still a HUGE amount.

No, Dawn of War only had a campaign for the Space Marines(the other factions had none), and it was barely bigger than a single SC1 campaign, let alone all 3 combined. I have 2 copies of Dawn of War + 2 expansions, so I know what I'm talking about.

Blizzard has compared each campaign of SC2 Trilogy with FULL games, which is what Mass Effect, Fable 2 and FFXIII are. And if we were to take what they said as facts (like each campaign being 3x-4x times bigger than a SC1 campaign) then each SC2 Campaign will be bigger than Mass Effect atleast.



Then let's compare it to WoW, even without the expansions. There is 0% chance it will be as massive as that, and I mean WoW is a FULL game too.



That's another worry of mine too.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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