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still don't see what you guys are waiting for, or even agueing about for that matter, because i can't see a single reason to proclaim and defend the PS3'S superiority over the 360.

When the new update rolls out in about a month, Live members, who also have a Netflix account, are gonna have well over 10,000 movies and t.v. shows to sift through and play instantly, for free. Let me repeat that, OVER 10,000.

So.... far better game library overall. (that of course is subjective, but Metacritic sure goes along way in proving it)

Online service that is simply untouchable.

Partnership with Netflix, which other than the Wii's gameplay innovations, is the simply THE BEST move made by any of them this generation. Think about it, it's crazy; along with all the games already out there, and those coming, your going to have a movie library that rivals allot of small video stores... for nothing more than what Netflix already costs.

Upcoming releases that that will even further distance themselves from Sony, again, subjective... but outside of LBP, Sony really can't touch what MS is getting ready to drop. Gears, Fable, Left 4 Dead, Star Ocean.. and a few other JRPG's, exlcusive downloadable content for GTA and Fallout, Live versions of gameshow's on the Marketplace like 1 vs. 100, Portal for the Arcade... man, it just keeps going.

The PS3 is an awesome machine, but for whoever doesn't have a 360 and is stubbornly standing by Sony, for whatever illogical reason, your only stealing from yourself.