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Great thread topic disolitude!

There was quite a few N64 games that I had played/rented that I though were gonna suck hard but turned out to be some of the best fun my friends and I had with the system...

1. Road Rash 64... racing games were a dime a dozen on the 64, so what made me rent this one day i dunno... but I haven't played a racing game like it since. Ridiculous crashes and physics that make barreling through traffic at over 200mph something to behold. Plus, beating the shit out of your opponents and some great multiplayer modes made this game a solid package of fun. Worth checking out if you can find a used copy or if it ever shows up on the VC.

2. San Francisco Rush 2049.. same thing, was bored, rented a racing game... turned out to be pretty good N64, and a week later my friend rented the Dreamcast version, which was even better with its arcade perfect graphics for its time and great multiplayer.

3. Beetle Adventure Racing... starting to see a pattern here people?!?

4. Top Gear Overdrive... I'm being serious here folks.

5. Worms Armageddon... change of pace finally Had never heard of Worms before, but my friend rented it and once i sat down and actually played it I was instantly hooked and bought a copy the next week.

6. Body Harvest... everyone I heard play it said it sucked, but I found a new copy real cheap so I decided to pick it up and really enjoyed it, though never got around to finishing it. Surprised to find out that it was developed by DMA design who did the GTA games... Body Harvest was somewhat of a precursor to the open world drive around in any available vehicle gameplay.

And finally... SUPERMAN 64!!!

just kidding!

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.