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Million said:
vlad321 said:
Million said:


If this argument is for people who think that graphics are the most significant part of any given game then I can see where you are coming from , except no one in this thread argued that graphics made a game.

You argue that graphics ruined Pirates of the caribean ( in your opinion ) but in truth it was likely the use of the graphics in a way which didn't add but subtract from the story that made you believe the films were ruined , in short it's not the graphics itself that ruined Pirates of the Caribean (in your opinion) but the application and priotisation of the graphics over a solid story line and good acting. Using a movie to demonstrate why games don't neccasrily need good graphics is another weakness is your argument .

If you feel that graphics add nothing to your gaming experience then it's likely because your a Wii owner or a PS3/XBOX360 owner who simply can't appreciate the gnificance of good graphics in a game.

I can't be bothered to go too far into this argument because it's likely you won't change your mind regardless of what's said but i'll say it as simply as I can. A key factor in the pleasure we get out of certain games is the level of immersion we experience when playing , whilst i'm playing this particular  game i'm temporarily lost within this computer generated reality and the closer this reality is to the one which I live in the less problem my mind has with accepting it .

After playing games like MGS4 on the PS3 i'm going to struggle getting immersed in a game like MGS1 , it's true that MGS4 looks no where near as detailed a real life however taking a step back as far as MGS1 makes it clear the importance good graphics contributes to believable visuals. You can't recreate believability with Art direction because real life has a fixed and unchaging apearance.






Graphics also dramticaly improve visuals , give you something you admire , you could consider it an art form.







I actualaly do most of my gaming on my PC. You know, I spend a few extra hundred every several years to get my games looking just right, so I'm well invested into graphics. As for immersion, It really doesn't matter how immersed I am in the game, if the game sucks it just outright sucks. No amount of graphics can help that. I've played too many games that looked great and played lass than good for me to believe that graphics can actually add onto the value of a game (look at Crysis). Meanwhile if there's a game with more simpler graphics but deep gameplay, the game generally explodes (look at PopCap Games all together).  As a last note, I only used a movie cause someone tried to use women, which is far weaker.


As for art, you really need to go to some museums before tryng to push off graphics in video games as art, because they don't even come miles close to actual visual art (paintings,statues,etc.). Video games are video games and they should be art in their own medium. You don't see people comparing Mozart to da Vinci do you?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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