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1) X = jump
R1 = grab
Square = Popit Menu (you use it to make items and such)
Those are really the only essential buttons you need for playing the game.

2) The game runs pretty smoothly and the graphics are very nice. The only times I've had lag are when people join or leave the room I'm in (online of course). While playing its smooth

3) I haven't gotten bored of it yet but I can see the single player story getting somewhat repetative. The real diversity of the game comes from messing around with what other users have come up with.

4) The story mode so far has been easy, but then again its meant to be a tutorial :P

5) This is where the complexity of the game lies. Creating levels is a pretty daunting task IMO. However to just go into a blank room and create whatever pops into your head is so much fun. There are a ton of tools at your disposal for this, and while they may seem complicated at first, I believe that there is literally a tutorial for each of the tools. It takes a while to get used to but is very rewarding. Me and my friend spent 2 hours creating objects today

Basically the process went like this:
-create a reasonable object
-attach an ungodly amount of rockets to it
-try and hold on as it tears across the screen

6) errr...uhhh...I have no clue haha. I haven't pre-ordered either but I need to get on that.

I played the beta today for a good 6 hours today (wow that seems a lot longer now that I wrote it down haha) and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Hope you figure out what to do :P

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League