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goddog said:
Aprisaiden said:
@HappySqurriel -- Iron Man selling 500k in one week is good, it also sends a good message about how The Dark Knight will go...

Ultimately though we won't see blu-ray sales looking good compared to DVD for another year or two unless the major studios decide to release movies on blu-ray first. eg. release the film on blu-ray 13th October and on DVD 20th October...


its going to take more than a few weeks dif to set up blue ray afire, more like 6 months, and not announce the dvd release till later. i had originally thought that something like that would happen next christmas, but with these sad numbers,  i dont see it happening until 2010, like i posted above you. not even the digital switch is going to help now. i had no idea how sad blueray sales were 

While a few weeks won't give blu-ray amazing sales day 1 it will help and at this point in time movie studios do not want to risk losing millions in DVD sales for small gains in blu-ray sales. Overtime the gap between releases should grow but i think 1 - 2 weeks is a reasonable starting process. Afterall i believe their will be quite a few angry customers looking for movies on DVD and being told the advertising is for the blu-ray version and that the consumer needs a blu-ray player or to return in a few weeks -- and while some will buy blu-ray players others won't or can't. America is in period of finanical crisis at the moment and Europe is headed in same direction. As such its only natural consumers are sticking to DVD at the moment instead of buying the more expensive blu-ray version.