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My LBP time-line:
1) I started out really clueless to this game. I heard it would be big but didn't know much else. I didn't really get it.
2) I saw some of the trailers showing tons of options to create. I immediately wanted it. I wasn't sure how much it would sell, but I wanted it. (I knew I couldn't get it for awhile because it is on PS3.)
3) They released the beta. A hoard of LBP fans increase all hype by a factor of ten. I see several videos of "awesome" user created levels. My interest wanes. Either the gameplay looks awful or the level is simply a semi-interactive fan-service movie. Maybe this isn't the best that is out there, but with the rabid fans (not meant as an insult, we are all rabid about something) creating and searching for the perfect level to impress the doubters, I expected better by now.

"You can never jump away from Conclusions. Getting back is not so easy. That's why we're so terribly crowded here."

Canby - The Phantom Tollbooth