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I've really been trying to get hyped up about this game, but as with many others I just don't see the actual gameplay being all that enticing. No I haven't played it, but after watching so many different levels, some do include gameplay as well, I just don't feel like this will have any lasting appeal outside the hardcore mapper crowds. The game play does seem very simplistic, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. What would be bad is if the gameplay is as slow as I have seen in EVERY video. Platformers are fun because they are challenging and test your timing or you thinking to some extent. I have not seen either displayed from any of the LBP videos. Sackboy jumps as if he weighed nothing, moves about as fast, and the environment and enemies move even slower.

As for the whole editing and sharing, Spore beat out LBP by several months in terms of ease of sharing huge quantities of user created content, and for depth, I'll take Unreal Editor over LBP any day. Sure it takes more getting used to, but the UE literally allows you to make ANYTHING, even RTS/RPG type games out of it.

P.S. Wipeout Level was blatant ripoff of linerider, go to the website and you will see much cooler levels when it comes to that type of "levels."

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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