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twesterm said:
coasterlove said:
twesterm said:
coasterlove said:
I think the shorter battery life is a big issue and the lack of a GBA slot is not a big deal in my opinion. Most people who have any interest in playing GBA games will already have a GBA or some previous version of the DS. And even if it is an issue, I think it's minor and all the new stuff completely overshadows it. The battery life though does kinda suck to put it simply.


I actually sold my SP because, you know, the DS/DSL plays GBA games and had no need for it.  That would be like me keeping my PS2 around when I have a backwards compatible PS3.


 Right, but you obviously have a DS or Lite already so it is really that big of a deal? If it was because you were looking to sell the older model, how much money would you even get for it? And also, it's rare that any cartridge based system has had backwards compatibility. I can only think of the DS in fact. If they were to make the system smaller while actually having a bigger screen(s) and more features, something probably had to go and that appears to be the GBA slot.


And with console, it's nice to have the backwards compatibility so you can store the system  away since they can take up a lot of space. Handhelds take up little space and don't generally sit in the entertainment stand with the TV and other consoles anyway. Just my opinion on both subjects.


The DS/DSL is compatable with the GBA.
The GBA is compatible with the GBC and GB.
The GBC is compatible with the GB.

Also, when releasing a new model like the DSi, one of the goals is to get people that already have one of the older ones to get a newer one.  You generally do this by adding features and not taking away important features (just because you don't use it doesn't make it not important to everyone else).  I know they say the DSi isn't supposed to compete with the DS but that's just PR talk to make you want to buy them both because they know the DSi can't replace the DS.

So yes, it is kind of a big deal.  I could probably make myself live with the decreased battery life but not the lack of GBA slot.  By taking away that, they've taken away a potential sale (or a lot actually since despite what you think many people take full advantage of the GBA slot).  I'm not going to own both at the same time.  Ever.  There's just no point.  If I want a camera and mic, I'll just get something else that is better and cheaper.

You said "when releasing a new model like the DSi, one of the goals is to get people that already have one of the older ones to get a newer one."

That isn't neccessarily true. They could be trying to reach out to those who haven't already gotten some version of the DS yet. And you can say the lack of a GBA slot is a big deal but it's simply not. Do you really think it isn't going to sell? It will do extremely well. And Nintendo isn't intending this to replace the DS but to complement it. Why would they wantto replace the DS at this point? That would be stupid since it's selling double it's only handheld competitor and is always on top of systems and software sold.

With that said, they have no intention of replacing the DS, it's for reaching out to more people and anyone else that buys one that already has a DS is just a bonus for Nintendo. So if you don't want a DSi, don't buy one but please, stop complaining.


I'll come up with something better eventually...