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 FilaBrasileiro said:
vlad321 said:
axumblade said:
vlad321 said:
I wanna know how players without the keyboards will manage in the MMOGs. They could probably rework a gui that would accommodate the very limited amount of input, but how are they gonna make sure the community is you know.... a community. Without being able to type and talk to everyone around you or in a zone or to guild/party/raid mates I can see this being a problem. I also wanna see how they fix up the UI because honestly, I can't see how you'd be able to rework something as complex as WoW so that it works with a few buttons and analog sticks.

I also find it interesting that SOE is now getting all hyped up about Console MMOGs after they got their asses continuously handed to them ever since EQ launched. Eq wass their only great MMO game they've had. Then again, considering that the newer console gamers have no idea what a good MMO feels like SOE can shove shit down their throats and they'd still like it....


Unless they have a laptop then I believe they can just plug their PC keyboard in. I'm pretty sure they're still going to offer PC counterparts, they're just putting them up on both as an option most likely for those of us whose computers aren't exactly that great for PC gaming. X_x

They said they will offer PC counterparts, but going by the rest of the article, mainly the part wehre he says they will focus on the PS3, leads me to believe that just about everything will be made with PS3 in mind. No offense but I can't put all my useful stuff on 3 hotbars in wow (That's 36 buttons) and that's excluding the chat/movement keys. There's a bunch of other stuff that I just don't need and while I may not use them I know others do. Now considering how many buttons you got on the controllers, they will have to get very creative on how to make it all work together and not have some shallow gameplay. Also, I wanna know how communication on a massive scale will be handeled (Imagine guiud chat wehre chat is actualaly voice chat.....XD).



Heh very easy and simple, sell the game bundled with a keyboard, and another bundle with those keyboards that go in the controller and a standalone for cheaper if you don't wanna buy a keyboard bundle. GH, RB, Singstar, Buzz, Scene It, Warhawk, SOCOM, etc...have all proven that you can sell games with accessories and people will buy.

That'd actually be a very good idea for them. It'd solve so many of their problems it's amazing, but somehow I doubt they will be undling MMOGs with kbds considering they will be getting so many of them out there. People don't need  kbds if they already bought one.


Guild/Raid voice chat would be an utter nightmare in every way, many will just turn it off and the community will be much smaller.


Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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