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I wanna know how players without the keyboards will manage in the MMOGs. They could probably rework a gui that would accommodate the very limited amount of input, but how are they gonna make sure the community is you know.... a community. Without being able to type and talk to everyone around you or in a zone or to guild/party/raid mates I can see this being a problem. I also wanna see how they fix up the UI because honestly, I can't see how you'd be able to rework something as complex as WoW so that it works with a few buttons and analog sticks.

I also find it interesting that SOE is now getting all hyped up about Console MMOGs after they got their asses continuously handed to them ever since EQ launched. Eq wass their only great MMO game they've had. Then again, considering that the newer console gamers have no idea what a good MMO feels like SOE can shove shit down their throats and they'd still like it....

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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