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@Reasonable: Considering how bad strategy M$ had when entering the console market, you'll notice that there's more in stake than just moneymaking. Especially when their venture on mobile phones market ended as fast as it started.
Zune, i believe, is making money, so there's no need to quit that market.

The strategy M$ is using, works well when you are the supreme market leader with product that you can enchange the way you want - even afterwards. But in a console market, where you need to think your product before it's lauched, M$ seems to pretty much lost. They are pouring truckloads of money into many directions, with practically no financial gains and maybe the best example of M$ not "getting it", was when 360 launched, Bill Gates told that 360 will be upgraded to include HD-DVD drive. Basically what they are doing at the moment, is find out Sonys intentions and spend a shitload of money to get the same functionality.

And Sony really did fuck themselves up with BD. First it raised the price of PS3 way too high and then it created a price deadlock, where Sony can't go below of its profitable standalone BD players with non-profitable PS3.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.