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souixan said:
masschamber said:
Vertigo-X said:
So, do you guys believe the Democrats' accusations that the conservative Republicans are the ones at fault? I wonder if there ever was a 'Politics' game... o_0

Yes, unfortunately, this will have a bad effect on video game sales. I still think Wii will lead the pack, but only by a shadow of what it could be.


any one with any good sense know it is the people the over borrowed or defaulted on loans over the years that are responsible for this,

I remember my aunt's idiot rich friends bragging about how they all defaulted on their student loans years ago, idiots they should all be forced to work in salt mines or some other terrible job,

coupled with the crappy performance of government sponsored corporations like Freddie mac and fannia mae and finally good old fashion panicing or selfish lemmings (think the stock market crash part of It's a wonderful life), they contributed a whole lot the stock market crash of '29, they caused the asian market crashes, and they're not helping here either


Actually I also blame the republicans who have touted de-regulation since the days of Reagan and so far all de-regulation has done was make trouble. First they messed with american unions and many union jobs died and were replaced by 'scab' outfits that pay half as much in wages with no real competitive safety standard and no benefits.

De-regulation is as much at fault here as the dishonest people.

The money and credit crunch I blame partly on job exporting creating lower numbers of middle class and more people needing credit just to make due. 159,000 jobs in America lost in September, where did they go? Care to take a guess the answer is China or India? The republican government as of now has done absolutely nothing to protect American jobs and in fact has shown it even likes to pay it's troops less by attempting to cut their supply, benefits and pay. (We have had democratic congress and senate for 2 years but Bush has also effectively vetoed much of what he didn't want)

It should also be stressed not everybody was trying to take advantage of the system. In the wake of nobody watching them they wrote in many things Balloon payments, raising interest rates to insane degrees after a certain point of time. This is as much, if not more, the banks faults then the people defaulting. Lending 9 dollars for every 1 you have is pure insanity there IS a breaking point and these guys should have known it.

laywers and unions hardly helped if your going to go into jobs leaving the country, massive overhead is one of the biggest reason for taking jobs out of america, unions and lawyers are the biggest cause of the massive over head, genrally 5 to 10 times  the workers salary, in China or India

, and the regulated economy wasn't working well in the 70's before Reagan,

plus your toting the broken ideology of individuals can't take care of themselves, the defaulter is always the most calpable for their actions, if everyone paid their debts and didn't over borrow they'd be fine

frankly I think George Soros and Warren Buffet have a hand in the current situation as well, since both of them want to rule to world




NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!