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Galaki said:
hsrob said:

Cry me a river for the developing world.....While i understand piracy more there it's not written anywhere in the charter for human rights that people have a god-given right to play games.  Lots of things in life we have to learn to do without, why are games exempt from this?

Hollier than thou attitude...

Woah, getting off topic aren't we?

In some countries, you cannot success or afford what america has readily available regardless of how hard to try.

There's a reason people immigrate to a "better" country so they can actually achieve a "better" life.

Not off topic and my question remains unanswered.

Furthermore since much of the software sold in developing countries is pirated i can't see how moving to America, Europe etc and paying full price for your games equates to a "better life", if playing games is in fact considered part of this 'better' life. 

If i was ok with piracy China would be a far better place to satisfy my game playing appetites than pretty much any place in the world i can think of.  I could have bought the entire Wii collection here for about.....220 US dollars, which equates to about 1 months salary here.  So don't kid yourself that piracy levels the playing field for the poor developing world.

Now, i'll get off my soapbox;)