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Shadowblind said:
Zucas said:
VBI said:

Have they not more then enough time by now to have reviewed the deal? I don't think Microsoft just shoved it on them and said 'SIGN'.

Actually, that's about the only way this story is even semi-plausible. In the highly unlikely event that these rumors are mostly true (and I REALLY doubt that...) the only way Microsoft would have proceeded is if they'd gotten some go-ahead from all the license holders, which include Nintendo. And if Nintendo agreed, a contract would have almost certainly been formed (Microsoft's lawyers are no fools).

And if this HAD happened, and Nintendo backed out at the last second, Microsoft would have a legal claim of a breach of contract against Nintendo, at the very least for the amount of money spent in preparing the game for the XBLA (and VC) releases. They'd also probably try to claim consequentials.

So why hasn't anyone sued yet? They'd get more money than the lawsuit would cost, and it's not like Microsoft doesn't have the lawyers needed...