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IGN are idiots. They were talking about Kid Icarus before E3. It wasn't there. They talked about Kid Icarus before the recent press conference. It wasn't there. Each time they talked about how they weren't sure why it wasn't there!

Instead, Nintendo announced Motion Plus and Wii Speak at E3, announced some games like Wario Land and Captain Rainbow around the same time, and announced DSi and about a dozen new games at the recent press conference. IGN was instrumental in breaking NONE of these stories. I think they may have talked about Punch Out!!, but that's it.

They should take all the time they waste yapping about Kid Icarus, a game which may or may not be in development by Factor 5 or another developer, and use it to talk about things that actually exist. Or else they should prove KI exists.

Their "industry connections" are obviously pretty weak when they hang their hat on breaking that Halo DS story. Y'know, how the game was in development, and they proved it by producing a playable demo from when it wasn't greenlighted?

The problem is, even if they did have an inside scoop, they can't really talk about it, because they are bought and paid for by game publishers. That's why they've played this game with Kid Icarus, where instead of producing proof and running a story, they've just "hinted" about the game in podcasts. They just exist to run previews and reviews when the publishers want them to, with the content they want, without asking questions, in exchange for ad revenue. Too much in terms of actual journalism will threaten that relationship.

Long story short: believe in Kid Icarus Wii when you see it.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.