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Hard to believe this guy had that many in his home.  I wonder how many modded systems he sold to have gathered the money to accumulate so much stock.

Police officers have swooped to make the largest ever console chipping seizure in UK history.

The discovery of chipped Wii and Xbox 360 consoles at a residential property was made after officers first raided a tradesman’s stall at a Halifax market. When his residence was later searched, West Yorkshire Police unearthed a staggering 246 Wii and 168 Xbox 360 consoles.

Also included in the haul were 19 PSPs, 12 DS Lites, 6 PlayStation 2s and 6 PlayStation 3s, along with other pirating material such as computers used for the duplication of copied discs, illegal chips, 300-400 copied games discs, and £5,000 in cash.

The original operation at the market also resulted in the seizure of over 5000 illegal discs with a retail value of over £50,000.

Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families and one of Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s closest allies, remarked that the operation, codenamed Poseidon, highlighted an excellent use of government funding in the fight against video games copyright crime.

All seized consoles have now been sent to ELSPA’s (Entertainment & Leisure Software Publishers Association) Anti-Piracy Unit (APU) for forensic examination.

“I congratulate West Yorkshire Trading Standards and west Yorkshire Police for what stands as a landmark seizure of chipped consoles and illegally copied discs. The scale of the operation and the removal of counterfeit material from the market place will have an immediate impact on local businesses in the area,” said Michael Rawlinson, managing director of ELSPA.

“Copyright crime is driven by greed and causes a loss of millions of pounds to retailers of West Yorkshire and to members of the music and entertainment industry every year,” said Graham Hebblethwaite, chief officer of West Yorkshire Trading Standard.

“The haul of items from this operation should send out a clear warning to individuals involved in the illegal copyright industry that they will dealt with severely. This sort of crime carries a maximum sentence of 10 years imprisonment,” he added.