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GH for wii definately? why hasnt anyone said that:S. i think we'll see 700k first week sales

Also animal crossing should make the list, as well as monster hunter possibility... Wii music(????) Deca sport 2?(:P) Honestly it depends on the hype of future games. Hopefully we'll see more games up there

For X360, Banjo wont make it. Honestly its gonna be a tough call here cuz all the opening weeks are really huge numbers for this console that are already hard enough to beat! But GoW of course will see the list.

PS3 well pro evolution easy.. and to be honest i have no idea how LBP will perform, its one of those games for me. Resistance 2, God of War 3 will probabely be up there. And other no brainers are GT5 and FF13