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Dallinor said:
Yoshi! said:
Dallinor said:

So the losses made from the PS3 are going to drive Sony out of the industry?

It's just not going to happen. The losses aren't extreme enough. Sony is a massive multimedia giant who can afford to take a hit like that and keep rolling. They even turned a profit last quarter, so things aren't all gloom and doom.

As much as you might not like it, Sony are here to stay.

I think it's fair to say we have now established:

1. 35 million is a large sum of gamers, and labelling them "a few hardcorez" is a massive understatement.

2. Sony "owned" the last two generations.

3. Saying a X console has the better games than Y console is a subjective opinion.

4. Sony is not going to leave the gaming industry anytime soon.


All in all, quite a productive few posts


No, those losses propably are not enough to get rid of sony. But the next playstations losses will. Dreamcast, anyone?


1) There are a lot more of real gamers than those harcorez.

2/3) Sony owned the sles, not the games. It is the same crap over and over again.

4) You wish.


So now there will be another playstation?


Yoshi! said: There won't be a Ps4, Sony just can't compete with ninty.






Wow... I thought he was just a fanboy, but this is trolling to the max. It's like the N64/PS1 and the GC/PS2 era never existed..... Ninty took risks and made moves this gen. This is why they are currently on top. And the fact that SCE's first MAJOR handheld currently has 30%+ market share on nintendo's current handheld after more than 3 years is a major success against Nintendo for SONY.

4 ≈ One