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1/8 of all males in lands conquered by Genghis Khan (and his direct successors - Ogedai, Kublai and others - not including Timur the Lame and Babar who are indirect descendants) bear the same chromosome mutation traced back to a period almost exactly 800 years ago - when Genghis had sex with hundreds/thousands of women, and his descednants did the following.

Estimates are that he has 20,000,000 or so direct male descendants, including women, this number is likely close to 40,000,000 people.  When the study was conducted the Earth had just passed an estimated population of 6,000,000,000.

That means 0.66% of the world is descended of Genghis Khan - a man who died less than 800 years ago.


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu