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bigjon said:
vlad321 said:
bigjon said:
The way I look at it is the only way you will think that Obama won the FP part of the debate is that you hate the Iraq war, think the surge was stupid, and for some reason really think Afghan is worse the Iraq? Who the hell do you think were are fighting in Iraq? TERRORIST!!!

The normal people there do see us as liberators and please do not argue that. I have friends and family who have been to Iraq numerous times and the people love us, and their freedom. If you do not believe that you ARE WRONG and blinded by bias
. No if and or buts.

And yes absolutes are a sign of the darkside.... (ok that was lame)


Oh man, you've really bitten a large chunk of off Bush's propaganda haven't you?

no I have talked to Marines and Soldiers (brothers, uncle(officer), and a few friends) and they have told me this. like I said since you do not believe what I am saying is true. You are wrong. On this issue you could say I have "inside" sources and you just take what you hear from the media.

It kinda makes more sense why I started hating Obama once I learned more about him.


Hey're not going to belive this...but soldiers have biases, too.  My brother served two years over there....and he paints a much different picture than you or Bush would present.  If you want to come into a thread and discuss...that's fine.  But quit being all high and mighty and suggesting that you know the absolute truth.