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Shadowblind said:
psrock said:
twesterm said:
talkingparrot said:
Also, for the people saying bioshock, bioshock doesn't have anywhere near the amount of effects of enemies on screen.


Perhaps, but its atmosphere blows R2 (and most other games as well) out of the water (heh).

As for R2, it looks good but everything is just so boring art wise.  The thing I've always hated about Resistance is it's just another WWII shooter.  They even added aliens to the equasion and it's still just a WWII shooter with some added basic Sci-Fi elements.

Totally not interesting in any way at all.



Do shooters impress you period?


 Resistence 2 is not a game all shooter fans would want. To me it looks like another alien shoot-em-up, which i well got out with the likes of Doom 3, Quake 4, and halo.


@Parrot: You apparently think that anyone who doesn't believe exactly as you do is wrong and has no ****ing clue. I read your post. It still has nothing to offer me that I haven't already played or done in other FPS. Open a window and learn that life isn't like a Burger King.  

Obviously you haven't played the first one. Otherwise you wouldn't be saying what you do.


There are a lot of Guns i would bet you have never played with

The story is unique interesting and immersive

It plays well. Good polish.

Etc.. lol can't be arsed to make more points, what i mean is that you should play it because it really does offer you things other games in the genre do not.


Check out my game about moles ^