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Fanboys on either side of the spectrum are equally annoying.

I'm not going to rush to judgement and say a game looks better than another game based on still shots without seeing ANY of the game in action.

What I will do is base my assumptions which lead to my personal opinion based on what perception, and what insiders, as well as the tidbits for what I have seen.

Resistence 2? Looks a lot better than the first, but based on what I've seen I'm not ready to jump up and say "OHZ ME GAWDZ ITZ TEH BESTEZ LOOKING GAME EVARZ!!!"

And the same goes for Gears 2.

But based on what I've read, seen and hear from E3 and pundits who have seen the games, Gears seems to be not to shabby.

In terms of Resistence outselling Gears 2 ? Anyone thinking that needs to have their head checked. I'm willing to bet that Gears Of War 2 when it drops in Novemember is one of the best selling games for 360 and may approach Halo levels, mark my words. Resistence 2 while it will sell will not even come close. It may be in the top 10 for a good month or so but I can gurantee you by the end of it's intial release (2-3 months) it will be in the low end of the top 20 sellers while Gears will hover in the top 10 for at least 4-5 months.

Just my prediction, more or less - It is what it is!