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Disclaimer: The content of this thread is not be taken seriously.  It has been made for the sole purpose of humor.  You have been fornwarned.

Theory #1

A new Zelda will be released in 11/09 in Europe/Others.  Why I believe this because.. The first 2D Zelda was released in 11/87 in Europe and The first 3D Zelda was released in 11/98.  If this pattern continues, the first Zelda with 1:1 motion controls should be released in, yes, 11/09.  Who knows, maybe the first Zelda with Virtual Reality will be released in 11/20.

Theory #2.

The hormones in America processed meats are causing humans to age slower.  It's also causing humans to mature sexually faster.  Finally, it's increasing the longivity of humans in general.

Theory #3.

World War 3 will happen in the next 5 years.  North Korea and South Korea military action has me suspicious.  Also Russia and Georgia doesn't help either.

Pixel Art can be fun.