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Ronster316 said:
Having played GT 3 and then GT 4 i have to say that they should have called GT 4 GT 3.5, Afterall it looked identical and added like what? 2 or 3 tracks? (I know, lets add a snowy track and call it GT 4, that will shut them up for another 4 years) The problem is that sony fanboys will never acknowledge the fact that there are other racers out there that are just as good or in forza 2's case......... better than GT, GT fans speak like the game is "untouchable"........ Sorry, but that is simply not the case anymore

"The problem Sony fanboys blablablablabla"

First of all, it doesn't seem like you played GT4 too much. It has 3x the content of GT3.

Second, is there a simulation that is in any way close to what the GT series offer? no, I don't see one either...and not Forza 2.

Lastly, you're known to be a Sony hater... so why should anyone listen to you?