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SONY wants PS3 to have a 10 year lifespan and they want PSP to have a 10 year lifespan -- both will get close.

PS1 lasted 1995 - 2005.
PS2 is in its 8th year (2000 - Present).
PSP is in its 3/4th year (2004/2005 - Present).
PS3 is in its 2nd year - 2006 - Present.

Now PS2 will easily last untill 2010 -- making it last a decade.
PSP is going to be harder for SONY but it should keep selling untill 2010/11** when PSP2 launches and die 12-24 months after PSP giving it a 7-9 year lifespan.

Finally PS3 -- Since PSP2 should launch BEFORE PS4, and Microsoft will continue to support 360 while its profitable for them, possibly waiting for PSP2 / DS2 launches to launch next-box when their competitors can't afford to launch a new system. Id guess PS4 will come out in 2012/13 - with PS3 dieing over the next 12 months, giving PS3 a lifespan of 8 years. Not bad for the system.

** Assuming PSP2 isn't shown off until E3/GC/TGS 09 or possibly even 2010...