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vlad321 said:
KylieDog said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


Resident Evil 4 is not a survival horror game.


I agree with that, though neither is Alien Verses Predator 2.


Did you play the Marine campaign, cause that capaign single handedly made AVP2 the scaries game I have ever played. Also as a marine it counts very much as a survival game as well.

Then again this is just me and I've found FEAR to be the scariest game to come out in the past few years.This is about to go off-topic and there'll be FEAR spoilers...

The very last time you have a hallucinatino of the lobby/hallway/hospita where adult Alama is present and you have to shoot her for her not to kill was probably the part that had the most impact on me. I got to that door of where she's giving birth and the guy explodes and coers the window, so I'm just standing there wonder "wtf do i do now?" and then the screen makes that effect when Alma "teleports" and then I keep staring a bit longer and decide to turn around just as Alma takes her last step and I had time to get in one shot, by reflex or just a twitch as I jumped back into my chair, but she lunged at me and killed me in 1 hit. That was the scariest moment of any game for me so far.


No, it's not just you. While I didn't find FEAR to be really all that scary until the very end, I did find it to be an excellent AAA title, and one of my favorite games on the Xbox 360.

If you weren't such a time stopping badass, and if the game didn't have such tight controls and excellent puzzles/gameplay, and it wasn't just such an accomplished and amazing shooter, then I'd say yeah, it's at the top of my survival-horror list, but like RE4, while it does have some immediately scary moments to it, you are always in such total and epically badass control, that I can't really mark it down in that genre.

However, I can see that point also being made about AvP, as well, so I guess I shoulda probably thought twice about that one. However, it is scary as crap, and if you change my list from scariest survival horror game, to scariest game, then the list stays the same.

As far as gameplay goes, I put RE4 and FEAR higher than any other game on my list.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.