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Ok I missed this thread. But WTF?

Both R2 and Gears 2 released new videos recently. Based on that footage Gears 2 wins fairly easily. R2's video was in game cutscene and Gears 2 video had plenty of in game cutscene to compare. Gears 2 very easily wins based off the new videos, it's sharper, has alot more texture detail and the lighting in Gears 2 is now so impressive. Very close to CGI. The difference between the picture posted in the OP from E3 2008 and Gears 2 latest video is quite a big leap.

Also Neither Gears 2 or R2 is the best looking shooter this year. We have also seen footage of Far Cry 2 recently released. And THAT beats R2, Gears 2 and KZ2 quite easily. Go to

and look at the latest Far Cry 2 videos running on 360. Now that is seriously impressive.