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Moving to South Korea in a few days with my partner, I decided that I should pick up a game or two (as we're bringing the Wii and DS's). 

I'd decided upon the following games, the Resident Evil remake, F-Zero GX. Somehow, the first place I went to had neither game, but the second place had not only the REmake, but ETERNAL DARKNESS! for.... 5 bucks!

So I happily leave the store with two epic survival horror games. But there's more. Arriving at my girlfriend's house, I find that she had purchased Cake Mania. And if she gets a new DS game, I should have a DS game for the flight too. My choice? Wario Ware Twisted. But somehow, two EB games in a row don't have the game. So what do I end up with? Dementium: The Ward! (she got Cooking Mama).


So here I am, a man whose only survival horror credentials to this point consist of Umbrella Chronicles and about 5 hours of Silent Hill, looking at 3 top notch horror games. I've started Dementium, and I'm already blown away by what Renegade Kid has pulled off on the DS. I was skeptical that a handheld could be scary, but this game is high on the creep factor. It will be enjoyed.


I can't wait to be terrified and then terrified again, and then again after that!



I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.