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Recently there was a thread about an article stating that blu ray sales were down.  Here is the thread:

Many people used this article to prove that blu ray was in dire straights.  In the thread I pointed out that it was based on a one week decline and not on the trends.  Here is an article from ps3blog (i know biased right...keep reading) quoting articles from Engadget and stating the same thing and showing numbers that show the market is growing.

Engadget says:

for some reason, the 13 percent drop in Blu-ray sales last week got a lot of attention. What we can’t figure out is why the 30 percent increases during the two weeks before (combined) went unnoticed. It boggles the mind why so many so-called tech evangelists only pick up on the bad weeks

Either way, when movies like the Forbidden Kingdom and TV shows like Terminator are stealing double digits away from DVD, sales are not down. But hey, predicting the end of Blu-ray is just so much more fun than actually analyzing all the data, isn’t it? Ah well, we’ll let the haters hate — meanwhile, we’ll continue to enjoy the highest quality hi-def around.

According to Home Media Research compiled by the Redhill Group, it appears that Blu-ray sales are actually quite solid for the year, and up 300 percent year-on-year from 2007.

The research says that Blu-ray movies are selling at about 1.14 million per month on average for the year, for a total of about 8 million. The combined total for 2006 and 2007 was about 6 million discs sold.


Discuss if you want.