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theprof00 said:
madskillz dont you know that whoever you just quoted there was already criticized by house leaders for being pro Obama. It's common knowledge that whoever wrote that piece is anti-McCain.

I hear you, prof - but here's the deal - it's the Associated Press. They report the news.

Unfortunately, folks think if someone is reporting something negative about their candidate, they are against them. No. The real thing is - real journalism is reporting FACTS. Folks should not be scared to tell the truth.

Wanna hear something crazy? I miss the days of journalism where folks weren't scared to print the truth. Stuff like Watergate happens more than a lot of folks say - but papers don't report that. Why? They'd lose ad revenues from bolting advertisers.

I miss real news being reported. I work for a newspaper and even we miss the real story sometimes. I have seen editors - the paper will remain nameless - change a reporter's story to make sure it didn't upset a huge advertisers.

The fact of the matter is - newpapers are dying because they aren't taking a real stand. They need to grow some nards and just report the facts.