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--OkeyDokey-- said:
Sales are the last thing by which you should judge a games quality.

And the music comparisons are stupid too. Music is the one thing in the world that is totally subjective.

In the end, the only reason anyone's talking about this game, or even knows about it is because it's made by Nintendo and has "Wii" in the title. I wonder how differently Malstrom and many of you in this thread defending this trash would think of it if Ubisoft had was the developer.

Perhaps you're right in large part. But as bdbdbd points out, Nintendo has a long history of making high-quality games targeted towards non-traditional audiences. By contrast Ubisoft, and most other publishers, treat those audiences as idiots, and give those projects to their fourth-stringers. Do you not see why one deserves the benefit of the doubt, and the other doesn't?

More to the point, Miyamoto's been working on this for two years. How often in his career has the man misfired?