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@Yushire: Your question is hard to answer, if you don't tell what the "casual" is. So far, it's been anything that the self-proclaimed "hardcore" doesn't like.

The "mainstream" implies to something, that is not "niche" or "specialized" market. So, are you talking about the mainstream as the mainstream in games market, or mainstream as the mainstream outside the games market? The mainstream in the games market, is the "hardcore", you see talked a lot, because it's the largest group and it uses its size to define itself as "elite". Now gaming in general is for kids, because the mainstream outside games is the biggest group and it is using its size to define games as "something that kids do".

During the Sony days, most of the audience expansion came from Europe/others and population increase.
Now there were games like Buzz and Singstar, which catered beyond the existing audience, but there's one fundamental difference between Sonys strategy and Nintendos strategy; Sony never tried to get the Singstar audience to play the core audience games. Sony made a dozen Singstar games to cater the Singstar audience, instead of making one Singstar game and one game that would introduce the Singstar audience to play something like Max Payne for example. Nintendo made one Wii Sports and is using Mario Kart to get this audience to play Super Mario Galaxy. Of course , this audience is still open to games like Wii Sports, so you are able to make similar games for the audience.

So, the new audience Sony got along, are propably interested in Wii Music/Sports/Play.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.