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rubido said:

You do have a nice point there. He does take a different stance than the normal media. I would say that is a positive for him.


My problem with this specific text that he wrote is that I don't think Wii Music is 'genious'. What some people might not understand is that I am not saying it is crap just because I don't agree with the word 'genious'. Not everything is always so black and white. I think it is a great thing it's coming out because it is very innovative to do it. Nintendo is opening up for new crowds. They are experimenting with the new market and trying different things for gaming. For all of this, I really like what they're doing. But I still don't see genious in it. I'm actually on a wait and see until I can say more.


Anyways... nice point. :)

The wait and see approach is usually the best one to take. And you're right that whether the game will be brilliant or not remains to be seen. But you yourself agree that it's innovative, new, and experimental. Few enough games ever try any of those, let alone all three, and that alone deserves applause.

And part of why I posted the article is that it has a different perspective from the one most forum-folk approach Wii Music with, but that perspective is one I hadn't personally considered before (and one which people like Grampy have validated: Great post by the way).

I can't say whether or not "genius" is the proper term for the game just yet, seeing as how I haven't played it. But if it DOES carry through on its promises, it'll have come much, much closer to realizing that term than almost any other game has.