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Ail said:
Average wow revenue per user is 10$ or so ( they get less in Asia so average is lower than what US players pay).

That's over 1.3 billion dollars of revenue in a 12 months period....

My understanding is that something like half of that is profit so Blizzard's profit should indeed already have passed 1 billion for Wow...


But with all the costs of upkeep I'm sure they spent a good amount of it, I mean pure 1 billion profits. Only a small percent of those monthly fees are actual profit. Just because there are so many subrscribers it doesn't mean they bought the game at retail. Unlike SPORE you can have more than one account per game, also if I'm not mistaken, when you subscribe from those 15 day periods you dont have to buy the game either.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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