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Trolling by definition is a state of persuasion contrary to the goals of persuasion. A troll makes statements in accordance with a desire to generate negative attention to themselves. A troll almost never believes the statements they themselves are making, and is in no fundamental way effected by negative responses. A troll has only one goal and that is to inflame other community members, because they view it as the purest form of manipulation. They troll to feel mentally superior to other community members.

The moderators on these forums are notoriously poor at judging trolling behavior. They often perceive a vehement poster as a troll, but will over look a obvious troll. The best way to spot a troll is to follow a simple check list. These are the five best criteria for judging trolling.

Length. Shorter posts are more likely to be produced by a troll. A troll prefers to optimize the negative response while minimizing the work load. Trolls do not have to go to great lengths to piss fellow community members off. There are a ready supply of posters who will give them the attention they desire regardless of how much effort they devote to their craft.

Stupidity. Part of the joke for a troll is to be taken seriously when their statements are patently absurd. More to the point stupidity is powerful bait to posters looking for an easy kill, and instant recognition themselves. Bottom line the dumber a poster seems to be the more likely it is all an act.

False facts, lies, and bullshit. For a troll these are tools of the trade. They compel other members to the defense. Encourage those posters to fact check and provide references, and make a strong case for debunking. Once again for a troll this is pure pleasure. They spent two minutes you spent four hours. More to the point base bullshit is like a red cape to a bull. Just argue the lost bullshit point forever.

Attacking. Trolls are more likely to attack other posters directly or indirectly. This is usually a pattern of conduct. They will like to toss out glancing blows, or highlight a poster as having a certain problem. Put a poster on the defensive, and you can turn any thread into a ready made furball all thanks to a few well placed insults.

Obsessive. Trolls are usually not very creative when they find something that works they tend to run it right into the ground. Sometimes its almost like a catch phrase. The repetition is annoying, and more to the point if it works on the community once it works over and over again. Why try something new when the old works so well. Once again it makes the troll feel superior. The statement is very true sometimes its so easy I am ashamed of myself.

Follow those five guidelines and you can out well over ninety percent of trolls. The rest are so innocuous that they are hardly damaging to a community in fact they are more fixture then anything else.