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BenKenobi88 said:
Half the people who plan on buying No More Heroes for Wii are probably buying it because it's rated M...I can see third parties putting violent games on the Wii and doing I don't see a problem.

You think so? Well.. I'm not one of them. I think the main selling piont of NMH is it's unique visual style and concept [serial killer with a beam katana!]. I hope gamers aren't eluded to buy games simply because it has 'M' on the cover. Don't tell me we have sunk so low....

"She can feel it changing her. It's becoming a part of her, corrupting her. But what frightens her most... she likes it!" - Effects of Phazon corruption.

Metroid Prime 3 Hype Level: Corrupted


1UP - 9.0 

IGN - 9.5

It is a hardcore game through and through. You will get your ass kicked by bosses. You will be stumped by the sometimes complex, but never overbearing, exploration.
"You'll never want to play any shooter with dual analog sticks ever again - it's THAT good.". - Gametrailers