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Awesome article posted by PS3 Addiction!!! Obviously there is no bias!

Some great quotes from the article:

Here are the top 4 reasons consumers will choose the Playstation 3 over its competition this season.

The Status
While the majority of gamers who do not own a PS3 yet will fail to recognize this as a selling point
, but for those of us who do own the PS3, it is a known fact that the console holds a greater value to gamers than a Wii or 360.

[...]It seems the folks that own the Playstation 3 system not only act more mature, but play a bit more mature as well with less profanic phrases muttered.

The Network
[...]How long does it take you to logon to a game and get right into playing? 360 users are used to starting an online match, then heading up to make a sandwich or take a bathroom break before the system will find a suitable match for them. On PS3 games, the waiting time to jump online is literally seconds, just long enough for you to adjust your settings, and hit connect, within a matter of seconds, you are playing online.

The Movies
[insert blu-ray jargon]

The Games
Here is the selling point. Why buy a gaming system, no matter what it’s capable of if the games are not there?
While this is a great time to get started on your ’Life with Playstation’, this holiday will brighten your smile ten fold with one of the largest gaming lineups in history.

These games include the following exclusives;

Resistance 2
SOCOM: Confrontation
MotorStorm 2
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
WipeOut HD
Valkyria Chronicles

as well as the introduction of HOME, Sony’s online world of matchmaking and social networking.

Let’s not forget about the amazing cross platform titles coming our way this year too that have been improved specifically for the Playstation 3;

Alone in the Dark
Eternal Sonota.

Of course, Nintendo and Microsoft have there own great lineup of games, Nintendo with...uh...well...Wii Sports 2 and Microsoft with Gears of War 2 and Halo Wars, as well as a couple others.

[insert final argument and stab at Wii sales with Tickle-Me-Elmo reference]

Not only is the article writer (whose pen name is steriotyp ... no, I'm not kidding) a genius at writing without favoritism, he is also a great speller and forms sentences perfectly. This is why I believe his conclusion that the PS3 will take the #1 Holiday spot is the cold, hard truth!