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@Squiliam: I wasn't talking about the amount of time spent on a computer, i was talking about the number of systems purchased. It doesn't matter if you spend 10 hours a day on computer, opposed to one hour, since both paid the same for their operating system.
People already use a lot of web apps, flash, email, java and different instances online services (you can debate whether what should be count as an application and what shouldn't, from customer point of view it doesn't matter).

Now that you look how people use their computer, there's only three main uses: browse internet, check email and store data. For these the internet speeds seem to be enough for most people and by looking at most webservices, everything is already done at the server and the webpages are dynamic.

Linuxes haven't been very successful (in operating systems) for two main reasons:
1. M$ virtual monopoly, that pushes the PC manufacturers to bundle their computers with Windows.
2. The barrier to learn to do something in a different way. Once you bought your computer with Windows, you're unlikely to switch since you don't know how the new system works and even if you try it, the new way of doing things is seemingly harder than the old way.

I personally have experience with DOS, Win 3.11, Win 95, Win 98, Win 2000, Win XP, Win Vista, Mandriva and Ubuntu. And i must say that Ubuntu is the best of them by far. Still the best Windows system, IMO, is 3.11.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.