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The reason why I don't think third parties can make a truly great wii shooter is because third party wii developers have been lazy and they haven't been using the potential of the wii controller. I think Nintendo will need to lead the way when it comes to shooters and show how the wii controller can be used and your right metroid could be that game that shows how great the wii controller is for shooters. Frankly I totally forgot about metroid.

As for graphics, I agree that the wii dosen't need to push polygons to make a great shooter but I do think it needs unique graphics. When Quake and Half-Life came out they had some of the best graphics and that did nothing but help. It got alot of attention because of the graphics and that helped them set themselves apart from other shooters. So if wii shooters has some amazing artistic and stylized graphics, it will set themselves apart from ps3 and 360 shooters and that will cause it to sell more. Combine great wii controls with great wii graphics and you have a 1+ million seller right there and thats the reason why I think graphics matter. Not only does graphics set one shooter apart from the other but in combination with great gameplay it can make a great shooter that could sell millions.