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I find this idea that only nintendo can create a good game for the wii extreamly strange, it's like expecting Microsoft to make all the good games for the PC.

@ tk1797
The Wii is just hardware, if third parties can create great games for the PS2 and PC I fail to understand this low expectation of third party Devs.
These Developers will have to put some of there best teams on to projects if they wish to have a real share in the Wii market, and all reports show this is the case.

Metroid is Nintendo's shooter, ok it is a FPA but it basically controls like a shooter...your in first person mode and you shoot things, I know you do other stuff to...which sets it apart from most shooters :)

If Metroid is a success I imagine will we see alot of dev's looking closely at it's controls, indeed I imagine they already have.

As an FPS expert, who has never owned a console since the 2600, who is about as "hardcore" a FPS gamer as you get without going Pro I would say I had a good Idea as anyone to what a FPS gamer wants.

Graphics are cool, but it wasn't graphics that made Half Life so great, it was the atmosphere, interesting challengers and clever story line.
Quake was great because it balanced the weapons so well, and going on line fragging people for the first time ever was a wonderful experiance.
Setting up leagues, training a clans, meeting great people, that all rocks with Online FPS'

You know when I first played UT2003 I just looked around at the wonderful world and got shot :D After that I turned down the settings to get the highest FPS I could.
I've never played an online shooter at a higher res. then 1024x768 to make sure I have the game running as smooth as possible.

There are actually many types of FPS' I wouldn't class a game like Max payne and Quake 3 together, one is very story driven the other one is about purely about pure skill and tatics. ideallya game like Max Payne would require better art style to get you into the mood of the game, but having a few less polygons wouldn't ruin that

The games that require really beautiful graphics are MMORPGS and adventure games where you go exploring and finding lovely lakes or mountians, thats what I need the greatest graphics card for, I'll be looking for the turtle in crysis ;)
Even so I still thought Zelda looked lovely after I got used to looking at games on a TV again.

"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"