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@Killzone3 (as I know you'll take at least one more glance at this thread)
your point is chicken and the egg, if they don't see good results from FPS' then they won't make them and if they don't make them then how will they ever see good results.

I'm glad to inform you that that process has already begun, first with Red Steal which did sell very well even if it wasn't amazing, and now with MOH:H2, which has 32 online multiplayer. How good will MOH:H2 be is anyone guess but it does show Dev's are willing to invest money into making an FPS for the Wii.

I think the Wii Zapper really shows nintendo does wish to support the idea of shooters on the Wii, if not exactly the way I personally would like to see them.

The point of this thread was to show the other edge of Nintendo's policy of not making Mature games - that it gives 3rd parties room to steal some limelight.

It isn't about if mature games will be made for the wii as it's clear that there are a few that are in production already.

"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"