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Killzone3, Developers go where the money is. We also shouldn't mistaken trends in gaming and graphics carried over from the previous generation as indicators for the way they're going to be this generation. The fact FPSs steered clear of the GC last gen when it was almost on par with the Xbox is fair testament to the fact that graphics alone aren't the only detourant.

The only real problem I see happening is developers relying on the "Wow" factor of impressive graphics as the only way to do FPSs now. It is certainly Sony's angle on the matter, but of course Sony is going to make the fullest use of its graphics and brag them up, that's expected and deserved. However the FPS genre as a whole (even outside of Sony) has seemingly become hijacked by graphics and the need to compare them by which FPS can deliver the most realistic graphics. As an Xbox fan I'm worried what this means for the future of games like Halo which didn't necessaraly do well because of graphics but rather made a game that was over all well rounded and fun.